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Spa Services

Immerse yourself in a haven of rejuvenation with our spa services. From bespoke facials to expert lash and brow treatments, discover a range of indulgent experiences tailored to enhance your beauty and well-being. Elevate your self-care routine at Shoreline Aesthetics.

Medical Grade Facial

What is a Medical Grade Facial?


A Medical Grade Facial is an advanced skincare treatment that combines clinical precision with relaxation. It involves cleansing, extraction, exfoliation, and masking to address specific skin concerns using medical-grade techniques.

What it Does


This facial treatment aims to deeply cleanse, extract impurities, exfoliate dead skin cells, and apply a medical-grade mask. The combination of clinical techniques and relaxation elements ensures a well-rounded experience.

How it Works


The esthetician begins by assessing your skin type, condition, and goals. The facial includes a precise cleansing, extraction, and exfoliation process using medical-grade products and techniques. The application of a medical-grade mask further enhances the treatment. The one-hour service is complemented by a 10-15 minute massage, creating a synergistic blend of clinical effectiveness and relaxation.

Who it is For


The Medical Grade Facial is ideal for individuals seeking a comprehensive approach to skincare. It is suitable for various skin types and conditions, offering tailored solutions to address specific concerns.

Results You Can Expect


Expect improved skin texture, reduced impurities, and a refreshed complexion. The cooperative approach ensures that individual skincare goals are met effectively, combining clinical precision with relaxation benefits.



Downtime is minimal, and the one-hour service allows for a rejuvenating and relaxing experience. The incorporation of medical-grade techniques ensures optimal skincare results while providing a soothing and enjoyable facial treatment.

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